Sharon Ross has suffered from depression for more years than she can remember.  Although she visited every doctor under the sun, nothing, including medication, therapy or psychiatric hospitals seemed to help.  After being diagnosed with various conditions from dysthymia, ADHD to functional neurological disorder she discovered that she had  impaired processing, memory, concentration and these symptoms were making her depressed. After seeing a few more doctors she was diagnosed with frontal lobe epilepsy. She started writing this blog when she was admitted to a hospital to have a five day video EEG – during this time she was not allowed to leave her room. This blog is the story of her journey towards finding a cure for her illness and what she discovered about herself and other people along the way. Sharon is a committed Jew, has three children, and a very long suffering husband.  For more information go to

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Sharon, I am looking in to a more keto friendly diet. My boyfriend takes about 12 pills a day!! He also has depression. How is this going for you?? Haven’t heard from you since September. I hope you’re well.


    1. 12 pills a day doesn’t sound good. If you are looking for a keto diet for epilepsy ideally you should do it under a specialist dietitian. In the UK you can find a list on the Matthew’s Friends website and in the US go to the Charlie Foundation where they also have recipes etc. I have also been looking into the low-glycemic index diet but there is less information out there about it. The diet is definitely worth try. At the moment there is alot going on in my personal life and I’m also changing medication. It will take over a year to change drugs because you have to do it very slowly. The idea is to see if the new drug has less side effects than the old one but until I am completely come off the old one, I won’t know. It all seems like a bit of a game sometimes….. The doctors don’t really know. I figure that I am an experiment and I have to keep on using different variables until I get the outcome that I want! Good luck with your boyfriend. It is lovely that he has a supportive girlfriend who is trying to help him out.


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